Most trip reports are chronological
experiences. This one will be different and arranged in 2 themes;
trail conditions and the people.
This trip was to be Ian's thru-hike of
the NPT. At the trailhead he was taken to the hospital for emergency
surgery. Thus this was to be a solo adventure for myself. Not a
thru-hike of the NPT for a couple of reasons. First due to some
“other trails” instead of the NPT proper and more importantly
because I stopped at the Piseco general store.
Trail conditions:
The word which never describes the NPT
is “dry” yet this was the one word which aptly describes the
conditions. The fabled mess between Moose Pond and Duck Hole was a
minor inconvenience of beaver dam walking in which my feet stayed
perfectly dry even in mesh trail runners. The sloppiness known as the
West Canada Lakes was a pleasant marsh hike along boardwalks which
were not underwater. The stream crossings had nice rock and sand
patio steps which almost seemed like they were put there just for the
hikers. The only real mud was surrounding Tirrel Pond and Stephens
Pond. I saw enough people at those two places with dry sneakers to
know if was quite possible to traverse the area and stay dry. The
only stream crossing which I forded to my calves was the horse trail
crossing of the Cold River to the west of the Cold River #3 leanto.
While blowdown was a common occurrence,
enough hikers have come through to break off branches to allow
relatively easy passage through the crowns which crossed the trail or
a quick path around was easily followed nary missing a beat. One area
which was very clear of blowdown and the maintenance was second to
none was between W. Canada Cr and Spruce Lk. The maintainers there
had just gone through and cut (with a 6 ft cross-cut saw) the large
logs and cleared passage through other blowdown. He also cleaned out
the drainage channels to allow for future run-oof to to not flood the
trail. The sections which previously went through boot-sucking mud
holes have been routed (and marked) just a few feet from the original
trail. Though this week, one could have easily walked through what
now looked like setting asphalt without worry of losing one's shoe.
The new section of trail between wakely
dam and Stephens pond is very nice. A stark comparison between the
million mile road walk which it replaced.
For those traveling south, it will be
quite obvious when this section begins as the trail is on higher
ground and away from the muckiness. For those traveling north you
will notice quickly when you regain the old trail just before
Stephens. some very young forest and very neat rock "cliffs"
will be passed along with some cool streams in which to replenish
water supplies. In the middle of summer, the green obstructed any
view from the ridgeline, but I suspect at other times of the year
there would be quite a view from a few places. As the section is new,
there are parts where the tread isn't obvious, but there are enough
markers to make navigation easy. Near the Cedar Lakes Rd, the trail
follows an old rd which makes for very easy walking. Some other old
rds intersect but no indication of the correct path is indicated, so
the traveler must know to "stay the course". There will be
some ADA compliant campsites along this section of trail in the near
future, hence some vehicular traffic evidence (ATV?) will eventually
be observed.
The people or “the artist, the
student, the redneck, and the ukranians”:
At Duck Hole a retired artist from
Rhode Island had carried in almost 70 lbs of gear. (approx 1lb per
year of age). His name is Peter. He had spent 3 days at Wanika Falls,
another 3 at moose Pond and this was his first of 3 nights at Duck
Hole. He would repeat this agenda on the way out. Most of his gear
was art supplies. He had many sketches of the area including 4 of
July fireworks while out there. All of his sketches were numbered. I
noted he was currently in the 29,000's. He also visits the
Adirondacks on schedule, according to the moon cycles. We spent a few
hours waxing the philosophic. I hope to be enjoying the adirondacks
with a similar awe and wonder as Peter for many years to come. I will
forever appreciate his perspective.
Devin from Santa Cruz California is a
student on break from his studies. His college is set in a redwood
forest so it was interesting to hear him talk of the adirondack
forest with such reverence. Devin is spending two weeks hiking from
Blue Mt Lake to Lake Placid before heading to the Atlantic Ocean.
Like Peter, Devin gave me a new perspective of the Adirondacks. Devin
was seeing the wonders of the area for the first time. Every view was
a new one and he engorged himself in it fully. Though the trees and
mountains were much smaller from the mountains and forests in
California did not make it inferior in fact it enhanced his
experience. The Adirondacks were unique.
Long Lake is known for the boaters and
while midweek it was relatively quiet, there were still a few at the
leantos. At Rodney Pt 1 &2 were some gentlemen who floating in
enough Stewarts firewood to make International Paper wince. After my
previous encounters I tried to appreciate how these guys viewed the
Adirondacks. For them it was simple, a place of escape from the
hustle and bustle and enjoying the surroundings with some good
buddies. For them, the beauty needed to be shared, and shared over a
nice cold beverage which they offered to yours truly. As it was
80-something degrees, how could I say no. The shared experience with
strangers is something I have always personally enjoyed about the
Adirondacks and I was happy to share it with these gentleman even
though I would not have carried in an XM-satellite radio system. The
cold beer didn't hurt either.
At the other end of the lake is Caitlin
Bay where Serge, Nic, Nicolita (8), and Artem (12) were fishing and
camping “away from the women”. While Ukranian by birth Serge was
as American as they get. He made extra effort to show me his Nalgene
was “made in America” and that his boys were “born American
citizens”. To him, the Adirondacks was “America” it all of its
greatness. This was what he struggled to bring his family to and be
thankful for. I was very thankful for their generosity and the
Coronas (I did say no when they cracked open the 150 proof vodka).
We should always remember that what we
have is unique and special whether it is viewed through the eyes of
and old man who has looked upon the sights for decades and still sees
something different or through the eyes of a figurative babe who see
each tiny tree and fern as something new and exciting, or through the
collective experience shared with others or through the eyes of a
father who sees the Adirondacks as a symbol of opportunity and
Closing comment:
Some may wonder
why I stopped at Piseco. I was feeling great in fact I was actually
really getting in the groove. I had hiked from Spruce Lake #2 to the
Piseco Gen Store (about 12 miles) by 11 am and was ready to keep
going. After eating a sandwich and being back in “civilization”
coupled with txts and voicemails from the home I knew I would not be
able to appreciate the woods without the mental intrusions of the
real world. That and it just didn't feel right to start and finish
Ian's hike without him.

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