Sunday, March 10, 2024

Storm Watch -Remsen Falls

 I have been wanting to check out the trail to Remsen Falls and the associated lean-to for quite a few years. One aborted winter attempt due to deep snow a couple years ago. This weekend seemed like the perfect time. Winter still, so little traffic from Nick's Campground and no snow so the snowmobile trail will be clear. The night before the trip Dan decided to go fishing instead as the weather forecast was not looking pleasant, and Emily informed me that there was a winter storm watch and cautioned me on my trip. I reassured her that there would be a lean-to and the trail is quite close to busy parts of the park so I should be ok. She has learned to trust my judgment when it comes to safety; meaning I do not take unnecessary risks especially on a solo trip.

I planned on leaving early in the AM to ensure i would get to camp and the lean-to before the rain and winds came through. I awoke an hour later than expected, but still early enough. I parked where Dan and I had almost gotten the car stuck in the snow a couple years ago. Signed in at the register and began my almost 7 mile hike to the lean-to. The first few miles were on an old woods road, now a snowmobile trail in winter and part of the Nick's Lake Loop trail. It was easy going and not too muddy. After turning off the loop trail towards the falls, the trail still followed an old roadway for a bit. After it became only a foot trail. Very nice for a few miles and then then more grown in and few markers. The tread was easy enough to follow. A few light sleet showers were the only sounds except for the occasional bird when the sleet ended. The smell of ozone and brief winds hinted at the coming storm. I arrived at the lean-to in under 3 hours with plenty of time to gather dry wood. There was plenty around and previous tenants had left some cut cherry nearby.

I set aside some dry wood inside the lean-to either for tomorrow morning, or for the next visitor and started the fire to get a nice base of coals. I boiled some water to replenish my water bottle later and cooked some bratwurst for lunch. The winds picked up which helped the fire really get going followed by some light sprinkles of rain. The winds and precipitation subsided so I went to gather some more wood. I relaxed, read the shelter log noting how little use this lean-to gets. Saw an entry by Paul D from lean2rescue checking on the condition since the new roof over a decade ago. 

Made some dinner and was all cleaned up before the rain started. It rained all evening and through the night. It must have switched at some point in the early morning as there was dusting of snow when I finally got up in the morning. I lost an hour due to DST, so it was still dark at 6am. I opted to skip the morning fire and just use the stove for coffee.

Packed up and headed down the now wet and sloppy trail. Crossing some of the creeks was a little more sketchy with the swollen water from the rains. Knowing I had dry shoes and socks waiting in the car, I just trudged through instead of trying to find a natural bridge. It was a very pleasant hike out considering I had expected to be hiking out in a snow or rain storm.