It seems I often go to the Cold River on Memorial Day Weekend. I think the first time was to do the loop with Ian. In the years since I have visited on Memorial Day Weekend for the loop, via Preston Pond, as an out-n-back from CR#3, and a number of variations. This time would be to hike to CR3, then day-trip to Ouluska and deliver brooms to the lean-tos while doing my general cleanup and inspection. There were up to 8 people planning on going, but a few had to cancel. So the crew would be me, Kalie, Shannon, Jim and Jacob. Saturday 10am we met at the Seward lot which was already well past capacity. We parked a bit down the road in front of the long line of cars. Once signed in we were on trail a few minutes past 10.
The start of the hike is generally uphill so it really gets your heart rate going immediately. Our first planned stop is lunch at the Calkins Creek lean-tos about 6 miles away. Like usual we branched off the main trail to take the horse trail. This time Jim was sure to take the correct route. A few muddy spots, but mostly very dry. At the junction we took a short pause before heading down the old roadway. The trail was mostly clear with just a few major blowdowns to content with. We passed the herd path junction, and the Raquette Falls junction and were soon at the lean-tos. It was already getting hot and I needed to fill up my water. I will try to be better on this trip and drink more water. While having lunch two guys came down the trail from the Cold River side. They were doing the loop and climbing the 4 peaks. They had already climbed Seymour and had only 6 miles of the loop plus Seward, Donaldson and Emmons to finish. After talkin they were going to stay at Camp 2, then day hike the 3 peaks and return to camp for an easy last day out.
We bid them well and set off starting with the big climb. I was going slow already. At least it allowed me time to look around for some of the old trails Bob mentioned. Once we headed downhill, we stopped at the spring for a water fill up. The trail would get brushy further south and then we still had the flooded section to contend with. We paused briefly at the Latham Pond trail. The flooded section is soon to follow. We changed into water shoes and crossed the now longer and deeper flooded trail. The water at least felt good on the feet, except for the few warm spots. Those were kind of gross. About a 1/2 mile left to CR#3.
As we approached I could see the front of my party passing it by. It must be occupied. I stopped to say hi and drop off the first of the brooms. The couple inside was protecting themselves from the skeeters by sitting enclosed in a large bug net. We had expected a lot of black flys, but for the most part they had given way to the mosquitoes. CR#4 was empty so we set up camp. The couple at CR#3 would be leaving the next morning, so we would be able to move over before we start our day trip. It was too hot for a fire, but we built a small one for smudge which worked well.
We had come 11 miles and were tired, at least I was. A few hours of relaxing, dinner, some beers. During which two hikers crossed ther suspension bridge. They were retired LEOs from the Syr area. We invited them to join us and also showed them the satellite campsite just over the rise. They set up their tents in the latter.
I slept great even though it was quite warm. I often forget how well I sleep in the hammock compared to the ground. I was still up before the rest. I had some coffee down by the rocks and waited for the rest to arise. After breakfast we broke down camp and shuttled our gear back to CR#3. Kalie planned on staying for the day and potentially digging the new privy hole while the rest would go with me to Seward and Ouluska lean-tos. A 10.6 mile day with just a day pack would be a lot easier. The trail was generally clear as we did some work on it last year as did the two new maintainers I met. There was still more to do like always. We took a decent break at the Seward lean-to as it was still quite early and left the new broom. The next 2 miles to Ouluska would be the easiset as it mostly follows the river, so nice and flat. Crossing Seward Brook was mostly a rock-hop. Someone had moved one of the boards for the replacement bridge to help. This will wash away with the first major rain storm I am sure. Lunch at Ouluska and then I think I fell asleep for a few minutes.
On the way back I tild the crew I was going to walk slow and will see them at Seward. I was tired. I think it was mostly the heat. I arrived at Seward just a few minutes after the others, and they were taking a break. I continued on ahead. I arrived back at CR#3 about ten minutes before the rest. Kalie had sterted the new privy hole. She got through the hardest part; the first layer of duff. This can be finished later. Another relaxing evening. The view from this spot is my favorite. I mentioned to Jim that every time I visit I get a little more sad each time when I have to leave. I will be back in July.
It was slightly cooler the last night, but comfortably so. We planned on getting on trail by 8am so everyone was up relatively early. After packing up, Kalie headed out early so she sould spend extra time bandaging up her feet after the wet portion. We covered up the starter hole with a downed spruce tree, so hopefully no one leaves a deposit before we finish digging. Before we turned up the horse trail, we checked out the old Shattuck Bridge location and the view up to the conflunce of the Cold River and Moose Creek. At the flooded section, I crossed it with my pack and returned with Jim's water shoes. He loaned them to Jacob so he would not have to go barefoot again. Jim and I both estimated the length of the growinf beaver pond to be about 100yds. I would cross this 4 times on this trip.
Continuing up the horse trail and stopping at the spring. The cold water was refreshing. Not long to the top of the saddle, then down to Calkins. A snack/lunch here. It was buggy, really buggy and sun was blazing. 6 miles left which would go quickly on the old road. Jim and Jacob were already changed out of the hiking clothes by the time we arrived at the register. I signed us out and made sure all cars started before I left. We all met up again at the Stewarts in Tupper Lake. Most of us bought milkshakes. A great was to top off another fun trip to the Cold River.