Met up with Justin and Dan for an overnight into Palmer Pond. We started at the Friends Lake Inn and used their trails to eventually connect with the small section of state land upon which Palmer Pond is located. The usual access is from the North on a seasonal rd. The trail system had many side trails but was very well marked with arrows leading to Palmer and also back to the Inn. The trail also needed to get around a large cattle farm on the hill. Staright line distance the hike would be a mile, bit on trail it was closer to 3, mostly uphill as well. Fortunately the trail was broken out. Even so we needed snowshoes. At one of the main junctions we passed by an employee with two dogs who were very interested in us; friendly too. Soon we passed another couple doing a short hike. They needed to turn around to get to a sleigh ride appointment. A few steep sections, then the cattle farm which we had to almost circumnavigate in its entirety. Was pretty up on the ridge though. We entered the woods and soon hit the state land boundary. Justin knew the campsite to the east was nice, so we pushed on to there crossing a small bay instead of sticking to the trail.
Setting up and gathering firewood ensued. A small fire was lit to help with a late lunch. As the weather warmed, snow melted from the trees onto us. Fortunately this didn't last all too long. Justin headed back to the Inn to see a friend who was bartending. He said he would be back before dark. A weak cell signal out on the lake, J sent a text when he was on his way back. Palmer is a pretty pond, likely some good fishing based on the stocking reports. As the sun dropped below the horizon we were greeted with some nice colors.
While Dan and I were sitting around by the fire talking I heard snowshoes in the distance. They grew louder as J arrived from a different direction. Took the more direct route from the main trail instead of following it around. We had dinner and jovial banter.
As it got dark the stars and planets became visible. The constellation Orion was straight out over the pond. Our perch on the rocky knoll just above the pond made a nice viewing platform. Justin opted to go onto the lake for a wider view. The temp was dropping and we expected it to be a chilly night. We had plenty of wood for tonight and the next morning.
I tried to sleep in. I suppose by the clock standards I did only because of the time change due to DST. Since I was up, I lit the fire and put on some water. Justin was up soon after and eventually Dan who stoked up the fire. With the short hike out, we did not rush. We enjoyed the sun emerging in the forest behind us and illumintaing the far side of the pond, slowly brightening the snow on the pond. We departed camp between 10:30 and 11 and made the quick hike back, The portion around the farm while seemingly long went by rather quickly.
Good times!
Honka Honka!